HFC ChemSafe – Dr. Helmut Fleig Consulting Chemicals Safety
Classification and Labelling – Risk Assessment – Safety Data Sheets – Toxicology
HFC ChemSafe – Dr. Helmut Fleig Consulting Chemicals Safety is an independent consulting firm with many years of professional experience in Chemicals Management.
You will get competent scientific support concerning all issues of chemical regulationsand product safety.
We perform professional in-house seminars with presentations and specific training in GHS CLP, REACH and other topics of Chemicals Management.
You are …
a national or international company or organization that uses chemicals and has to comply with regulatory requirements concerning the preparation of Safety Data Sheets, Classification & Labelling of Chemicals (GHS/CLP), obligations from REACH, etc.
I am …
a scientist with many years of experience in hazard and risk assessment of chemicals, especially in the field of Classification & Labelling and Risk Assessment with the focus on toxicology.
Having gained this experience as a scientific executive manager at BASF Chemical Company for many years, I have also been involved in many organizations dealing with Chemicals Management, on a national or international level, for the European Union and the United Nations.
What we can do for you is …
prepare scientifically based Safety Data Sheets, establish Classification & Labeling and Risk Assessments for your chemical products and perform training and seminars in your company. We will support you in a competent, thorough and trustful manner.
Dr. Helmut Fleig Consulting Chemicals Safety was founded by Dr. Helmut Fleig.
HFC ChemSafe is your competent and professional partner for all issues of hazard and risk assessment of chemicals in your company or organization.
Dr. Helmut Fleig/HFC ChemSafe has a long record of close and trustful relations with national and international companies, associations and governmental institutions. Dr. Fleig’s competence is based on well-founded specific experience, knowledge and skills focussed on success. These skills are permanently adapted to new challenges concerning Chemicals Management consulting needs.
Reference projects
Projects for the following organizations (excerpt)
- UNSCEGHS – UN Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
- UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- UNITAR – United Nations Institute for Training and Research
- SAICM – Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
- EU – European Union; ECB – European Chemicals Bureau; ECHA – European Chemicals Agency
- OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- BIAC – Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD
- Business Europe (governing body of the European industrial organizations)
- IPPIC – International Paint and Printing Ink Council
and numerous other authorities, associations and companies
Activities and memberships (excerpt)
Long-term membership as an expert in the German EU delegation for C&L
Involvement in the development of the GHS at OECD level since 1994 and at UN level since 2003
Involvement in developing Guidance Documents for GHS/CLP (RIP 3.6 and ECHA Guidance) since 2007
Consulting and training for authorities and companies
Chemicals Management projects (Risk Assessment; Risk Management; REACH; SDS; C&L: DSD/DPD/GHS/CLP; GLP) in Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia, e.g. EU Twinning projects for new member states, UNIDO and UNITAR/ORANGE HOUSE Organization)
Activities and memberships in associations
Working groups on C&L, GHS/CLP; Risk Assessment; SDS; GLP
VCI (Chemical Industry Association), BDI (Federation of German Industry Associations), Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council), CEPE (European industrial organization for artists’ paints, printing inks and colours), BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD), Business Europe (governing body of the European industrial organizations), IPPIC (International Paint and Printing Ink Council)
Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Fleig
Owner of HFC ChemSAFE - Dr. Helmut Fleig Consulting Chemicals Safety
1960 – 1967
Studies of natural sciences (chemistry) at Heidelberg University, Germany; diploma
Special studies of natural sciences in the United States
1967 – 1969
Doctor of Natural Sciences/PhD (Heidelberg University, Germany)
1970 – 2004
BASF Ludwigshafen, Germany
Scientific executive manager in the Department of Toxicology/Product Safety
Main activities: C&L; Risk Assessment; SDS; GLP
Foundation of Dr. Helmut Fleig Consulting Chemicals Safety
This list of activities includes projects and memberships in national and international companies and organizations in the field of Chemicals Management in which Dr. Helmut Fleig has been involved.
Key activities: Classification & Labelling (DSD/DPD; GHS; CLP); Risk Assessment/Risk Management; Good Laboratory Practice (GLP); air pollution; transport regulations with the focus on toxicology.
C&L, GHS and CLP
VCI (Chemical Industry Association) Working Groups on C&L (Germany; since 1976)
Advisory Committees to the German Ministry of Labour on classification issues: C&L; EU/GHS (since 1976)
Member of the German delegation in the EU Working Group for C&L (ECB, Brussels/Ispra; 1980 – 2002)
Cefic: working groups/issue teams on C&L/health hazards (1980 – 2009)
Cefic delegation in the EU Working Group for C&L/ECB (2003 – 2004)
OECD Task Force/Expert Groups for Global Harmonization of C&L Systems/GHS (1997 – 2004)
Advisory group (Begleitkreis) of the German UBA (Federal Environmental Agency) project for the classification of carcinogens acc. to TA-Luft No. (2002)
UN/SCE GHS (since 2003) and several UN GHS Correspondence Groups (since 2006)
Nominated GHS Expert by UN/SCEGHS/UNITAR (since 2004)
GHS implementation project of the German UBA (Federal Environmental Agency; 2007)
Member of two RIP 3.6 Working Groups (EU REACH Implementation Project GHS Guidance Representing Business Europe; head of WGs for 3 Hazard Classes) (2007 – 2009)
Review and further development of the UNITAR (UN Institute for Training and Research) GHS Training Courses (since 2007)
Member of the ECHA Expert Groups on Health Hazards and Hazard
Communication (Helsinki) for the further development of the Guidance Documents on the EU GHS (CLP) Regulation (cf. RIP 3.6; since October 2009)
Risk Assessment/Hazard Assessment/Safety Data Sheets
BG Chemie (Berufsgenossenschaft): Existing Chemicals Program (Germany, 1997 – 2002)
OECD SIDS/ICCA Program on High Production Volume Chemicals (1997 – 2002)
BUA – Advisory Committee on Existing Chemicals of Environmental Relevance (Germany; 1997 – 2004)
ECB (European Chemicals Bureau, Ispra) EU Risk Assessment Working Group (1997 – 2004)
BDI (Federation of German Industry Associations)/Business Europe Working Group SDS – Standard Phrases/EUPhraC (since March 2008)
“Only Representative” (REACH) for several non-EU companies
VCI (Chemical Industry Association) Working Group on GLP (Germany; 1976 -2001)
OECD GLP Consensus Workshop (co-organization) (1990)
Performance of training/seminars in
Companies of the chemical, construction materials and automotive industries: hazardous chemicals; GHS/CLP; SDS (since 2005)
BG Chemie/BGRCI (Germany): Development of training programs/materials and training in GHS/CLP (since 2005)
EU Twinning Project Egypt: Waste and Hazardous Substances: GHS/CLP (October 2009 – May and October 2010)
GHS training in Uruguay and South Africa in a joint project of Orange house (NL) and UNITAR (May/June 2010; March 2011)
Co-organization of a GHS/CLP-Seminar, Akademie Fresenius (Germany; April 2010)
Risk Assessment/Hazard Assessment/Safety Data Sheets
EU Twinning projects in 6 new member states/candidate states (GHS, Risk Assessment/REACH; GLP) (since 2003)
BG Chemie/BG RCI (Germany): Development of training programs/materials and training sessions in GHS/CLP, Risk Assessment/Management, REACH and chemicals legislation on a regular basis (since 2005)
EU Twinning Project Egypt: Waste and Hazardous Substances: Safety Data Sheets and Risk Assessment (October 2009 – May 2010)
Company training (BASF) on GLP (1981 – 2001)
Consulting and training on GLP in Malaysia (invitation by the Ministry of Health) (ShaAlam, Malaysia; April 2009)
International Symposium on Short Term Tests for Genotoxicity,: “A concept for the Classification of Mutagens” (Pisa, Italy;1986)
European Meeting of the Toxicology Forum, Geneva: “ECETOC/CEFIC/CMA Concept for the Classification of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Teratogens“ (Geneva, Switzerland;1986)
Workshop: Toxic Substances, Dangerous Preparations, Product Liability. Charles Simeons Conferences: ”Classification of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Teratogens” (London, UK; 1987)
EU classification system and forthcoming GHS (Sydney and Melbourne, Australia 1998)
EU classification system and forthcoming GHS (Beijing, Shanghai, China; 2000)
EU classification system and forthcoming GHS (Japan, 2000)
Implementation of the GHS in the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russia; May 2005)
GHS at the EU Austria Conference (Vienna, Austria; March 2006)
“GHS-Chronic Toxicity: Criteria for Classification” at the IVSS Congress on REACH/GHS (Marseille, France; February 2008)
“GHS: Challenge and Chance” at the International Conference on Cleaning Products (London, UK; September 2008)
Presentations and consulting on GHS in Santiago de Chile (invitation by the Ministry of Health, Chile; December 2008)
Presentations under the special program of BG Chemie on GHS for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Germany; 2009)
Risk Assessment/Hazard Assessment/Safety Data Sheets
Risk Assessment (Beijing and Shanghai, 2000)
Risk Assessment (Japan, 2000)
Presentations and workshop on Chemicals Management in Cairo (UNIDO/SAICM/Ministry of Trade and Industry/Egyptian National Cleaner Production Center) (Cairo, Egypt; April/May 2010)
Mutual acceptance of GLP regulations – training/seminar on behalf of the industry associations VCI, BPI and IVA
(Germany, September 1993)
Scientific publications
Hazard classification of chemicals inducing haemolytic anaemia: An EU regulatory perspective
Muller A., Jacobsen H., Healy E., McMickan S., Istace F., Blaude MN., Howden P., Fleig H., Schulte A.; EU Working Group on Haemolytic Anaemia, Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 45(3):229-241 (2006)
SIDS reprotoxicity screening test update: testing strategies and use
Gelbke H.-P., Fleig H., Meder M.; VCI/German Chemical Industry Association, Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 39(2):81-86 (2004)
Contribution to: “Using Carcinogenic Potency Ranking to Assign Air Contaminants to Emission Classes”; U.Schumacher-Wolz et al., Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 36:221-233 (2002); Report 3/02 of Umweltbundesamt (Fed. Env. Agency) 2002
Uneinigkeit – Die weltweite Harmonisierung von Gefahrgut- und Gefahrstoffrecht hat Auswirkungen auf andere Rechtsbereiche. Noch herrscht Uneinigkeit über die Regelungen. (Disharmony - Global Harmonization of Legislation on Dangerous Goods and Chemicals for Supply and Use. Impact on downstream legislation. Full agreement not yet reached.) (German)
Fleig, H., Gefahrgut Nr. 8 (2000)
Carcinogens - in the Context of Council Directive 96/82/EC (Seveso II) – Report by Technical Working Group 8, Major Accident Hazards Bureau, Joint Research Center, European Comission 2000
Member of the Working Group/Invited Expert: Fleig, H.
Kriterien für die Tankschiffzuordnung in der Binnenschiffahrt (Criteria for the allocation of ship-types in bulk carrier transport on rivers) (German)
Working group of the UA Binnenschiffahrt, July 1997/January 1998
1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) does not induce structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in vivo
Engelhardt, G., Fleig, H., Mut. Res. 298(3):149-155 (1993)
Human exposure to N-Nitrosamines, their effects, and a risk assessment for N-Nitrosodiethanolamine in personal care products, co-author Fleig, H., Technical Report No. 41 (1990)
Criteria for Identifying and Classifying Carcinogens, Mutagens, and Teratogens
Broecker, B., Gelbke, H.-P., Fleig, H., Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 7:1-20 (1987)
A Guide to the Classification of Carcinogens, Mutagens and Teratogens under the sixth Amendment
Fleig, H. et al., ECETOC Technical Report No. 21 (1986)
Datenverarbeitung bei toxikologischen Prüfungen unter Beachtung der OECD-GLP-Grundsätze; Fragen, Antworten und Empfehlungen (Data processing in toxicological studies according to OECD/GLP principles; questions, answers and recommendations) (German)
Christ, G.A., Fleig, H., Heldt, W., Schulz, V., Pharm. Ind. 48(9):1029-1034 (1986)
Das Chemikaliengesetz aus der Sicht des forensischen Toxikologen (The chemicals law from the viewpoint of the forensic toxicologist) (German)
Gelbke, H.-P., Fleig, H., Fortschritte der Rechtsmedizin, Springer Verlag (1983)
Untersuchungen zur Morbidität bei Mitarbeitern mit Exposition gegenüber Di-aethylhexylphthalat (Investigations with respect to morbiditity of workers exposed to diethylhexylphthalate) (German)
Thiess, A.M., Korte A., Fleig, H., Annual report of the German Society for Occupational Health, 137/ Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium, Gentner Verlag Stuttgart (1978)
Contributions to books
Gifte: Geschichte der Toxikologie (Poisons: History of Toxicology) (German); Editors: M. Amberger-Lahrmann, D. Schmähl; Springer Verlag 1988;
Gelbke, H.-P. and Fleig, H.: Die Entwicklung gesetzlicher Bestimmungen in der industriellen Toxikologie (The Development of Regulations in Industrial Toxicology (German)